Grace H. Testimony

During the three weeks of revival meetings at the River, God rearranged many things in my heart. The very first meeting on Monday morning, God told me that I needed to tell my family what I went through during my preteen years. I’ve never told them how I used to be very depressed and how I hated my life. Many times I would cry at night thinking how I wanted to kill myself. At another morning service, I got in line to get prayed for. I fell under the power of God, and about an hour later I got up. During that hour on the floor, God’s power was rushing all over me. God told me that he was healing my heart. He told me that it wasn’t my fault. That I was an innocent victim of the devil’s schemes.

Many times I blamed myself for what happened. But God completely healed me. I was able to tell my family all about it, and I can already see that God is doing a work in our family. God has also been confirming many of the dreams that I have held in my heart for many years. Now I know that I know that I will be used in China to reach out to the girls who are in the brothels and stuck in the sex trafficking industry. One night after I got prayed for, I was laughing on the floor and then all of a sudden I started speaking in a new language.